President Obama, the Special Olympics and the Mother of all Gutter Balls

Leave it to a comedian to loosen-up even the most practiced and gifted of politicians, legislators and Presidents of the United States.  On March 19, President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to go on Late Night TV.  And, during several minutes of a lengthy and “seriously” funny interview – at least based upon the more typically in-and-out vapid nature of Late Night TV – the following repartee´ was exchanged between Jay Leno and Mr. Obama.  Mr. Leno had assumed President Obama had “burned down the bowling alley” and our President assured him that couldn’t be further from the truth.  In fact, of late he had been practicing his abysmal bowling skills.


President Obama – “I bowled a 129…”

Mr. Leno – “Very good….”  (with sarcasm)

President Obama – “It was like Special Olympics or something…”


Recognizing a political gaffe to the glee of Republican leadership and the hopefuls of 2012…Mr. Leno quickly moved the topic onto the basketball court where our President has both physical and oratorical prowess.


Still, through this painfully brief exchange Barack Obama bowled the mother of all gutter balls and revealed his ignorance regarding his citizens with disabilities. …

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