I have already blogged on President Obama’s gaffe on Late Night with Jay Leno regarding the Special Olympics. Still, the topic and the individual at the center of this teachable moment deserve more scrutiny, conversations and blogging. Far too many of our citizenry and that includes the disability community have given President Obama a “get out of responsibility card” with a mere apology and White House invitation to some Special Olympics athletes. Yet, Mr. Obama’s slip of the political tongue brings to light, the glaring, harsh reality of how Americans view our citizenship with disabilities, along with our President’s ignorance.
This is a President who made it clear that he views disability to equate inability. From my perspective this was a wonderful moment because it taught me and countless others, early into the Obama Presidency and these first “100 Days” that Barack Obama has a steep learning curve. Disability advocates/activists have our work cut out, if we are to see this President include our children and adults with disabilities in his vision of an America in crisis and America reborn.
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