Mood Disorders

OSERS has found the Michigan Dept. of Ed in violation of the IDEA 2004!

TODAY was a pretty good Monday for anyone who cares about our children with special needs and their parents.   I received a written response from the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS). This written response was to notify me that in fact OSERS has found the […]

OSERS has found the Michigan Dept. of Ed in violation of the IDEA 2004! Read More »

Oakland Community College in Violation of Section 504 & Title II of the ADA!

As the parent of a son with special needs and advocate to thousands of students with special needs, I fight unapologetically hard for their civil rights and right to a free and appropriate public education. I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t an advocate for children. I believe in children, ALL children. I believe

Oakland Community College in Violation of Section 504 & Title II of the ADA! Read More »

Parents who lose a child, lose enough without adding isolation and loneliness….

Too few are willing to talk about the death of a child. I am not one of those people. I live in the trenches of this brutal reality on far too many days, as a parent, advocate and activist fighting for my child and all children suffering with more often misunderstood and poorly treated psychiatric

Parents who lose a child, lose enough without adding isolation and loneliness…. Read More »

Senators Alexander and Murray Get it Wrong for America’s School-Age Children

  Today, Senator Lamar Alexander, Chair of the Senate HELP Committee and Senator Patty Murray, ranking Democrat, reached agreement on a reauthorization of the Elementary Secondary Education Act. They have titled their legislation, the “Every Child Achieves Act of 2015,”….I am gagging already. They think this is an improvement over the last reauthorization known as

Senators Alexander and Murray Get it Wrong for America’s School-Age Children Read More »

My open letter to the MI State Board of Ed: Reopen job posting for State Superintendent!

To the Esteemed Members of the Michigan State Board of Education: As always, I am writing out of only my most sincere concern for Michigan’s school-age children and public education. I am deeply saddened and disappointed by the Board’s chosen search firm’s identification of candidates to fill the role of State Superintendent in Michigan. I

My open letter to the MI State Board of Ed: Reopen job posting for State Superintendent! Read More »

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